
Dog Vaccination Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide

As a responsible pet parent, keeping your furry friend up-to-date with vaccinations is crucial for their health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential vaccinations your dog needs, when to administer them, and why they matter. Why Vaccinate Your Dog? Vaccinations play a vital role in safeguarding your dog’s health. Here’s why they … Continue reading Dog Vaccination Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide

Unleash the Perfect Match: Your Personality vs Dog Breed – Vet’s Advice

Deciding on a new furry friend is exciting, but choosing the perfect pooch can be overwhelming with so many breeds out there. Dogs have unique personalities and needs, so reflect on your lifestyle before making a hasty decision. Active person? Consider high-energy breeds like Border Collies. More of a homebody? A laid-back Bulldog may be … Continue reading Unleash the Perfect Match: Your Personality vs Dog Breed – Vet’s Advice

How to Celebrate Pet Friendly and Safe Diwali

Diwali, the festival of lights is a joyous day for everyone. With sweets, lights and games, it is an exciting day to spend with your loved ones. But during this festival, a member of your family needs extra care and safety. Yes, we are talking about your pets! Even a joyful event like Diwali could … Continue reading How to Celebrate Pet Friendly and Safe Diwali

When to Vaccinate my Cat

Adding a new kitten in your family is lot of excitement and fun, but it is also a big responsibility. Here are some important things you need to know about your cat health. Cat vaccination – Importance of vaccination in cats: Its important to do your cat vaccination to prevent the viral infections like feline … Continue reading When to Vaccinate my Cat

How to Look After New Born Puppy till First 90 Days (10 Tips)       

If you have a puppy at your home or if you’re planning to adopt a puppy recently then you might have few doubts like, how to look after these puppy, what to feed, when to vaccinate, how to keep them safe in home, etc. Even if you think you know are you doing it correctly? … Continue reading How to Look After New Born Puppy till First 90 Days (10 Tips)       

General Tips for Cleaning your dog’s teeth

Giving your dog’s teeth a regular brush is a great way to prevent plaque build-up. Make sure to use toothpaste specifically designed for dogs and never use your own toothpaste, as it contains ingredients which can upset your dog’s digestion. If your dog isn’t already used to the idea of getting their teeth brushed, it … Continue reading General Tips for Cleaning your dog’s teeth

Why my Cat get Itching?

Cats are clean pets; they always keep their body clean with minimum or no care from cat’s parent. Even with their clean behavior cats in few situations face skin infection which cause them severe itching and induce skin scratching. In this article Dr. Gnanesh, Consultant Veterinarian in Treat Unusual Veterinary Hospital, Chikkamagaluru is highlighting the … Continue reading Why my Cat get Itching?

What should I feed my Dog

When it comes to feeding a dog there is lot of doubt dog parents has. In our Treat Unusual hospitals our Doctors are usually been asked with questions like Doctor what to feed ? when to feed ? how many times to feed ? can I give only veg food ? is rice good for … Continue reading What should I feed my Dog