General Tips for Cleaning your dog’s teeth

Giving your dog’s teeth a regular brush is a great way to prevent plaque build-up. Make sure to use toothpaste specifically designed for dogs and never use your own toothpaste, as it contains ingredients which can upset your dog’s digestion. If your dog isn’t already used to the idea of getting their teeth brushed, it is unlikely they will accept the experience straight away, so you’ll need to ease into it over time.

Home dental care should begin at 8–12 weeks of age. Brushing is not critical until the adult teeth erupt, but starting early allows the animal to become accustomed to the procedure during an impressionable period of development.

Start by using your finger to rub the top and bottom of their teeth and gums. Once they’re used to that, you can slowly begin to introduce a toothbrush. However, make sure you allow your dog to adapt at their own pace. Slowly build up the amount of time spent brushing, gradually introduce a toothbrush into the routine and only begin really cleaning your dog’s teeth and gums properly once they are comfortable with the process.

Ideally, you should brush your dog’s teeth daily or thrice/twice weekly. Also, be sure to brush over your dog’s gum line, as this is where plaque and tartar stick. Another excellent way to combat plaque is to give your dog dental treats that can help loosen plaque and remove debris as they chew.

  • Regardless of age, introduce brushing slowly and gradually, allowing the animal to determine the amount of time at each stage.
  • As each step is begun, observe for the animal’s reaction and only advance to the next step once the animal is comfortable.
  • Massage the animal’s muzzle and lips gently
  • Introduce your finger dipped in meat soup or garlic water (canine) or tuna water (feline) into the buccal pouch under the upper lip and rub the gum line.
  • Introduce your finger covered with a gauze, washcloth, or pantyhose and rub the gum line and teeth in a circular motion.
  • Introduce a pet toothbrush or a very soft human toothbrush held at a 45° angle to the tooth surface, brushing in an oval motion.
  • Introduce the toothbrush with veterinary toothpaste.
  • As the animal accepts the procedure, brushing of the lingual surfaces can begin.
  • Place the non-brushing hand over the muzzle and tilt head backward to open the animal’s mouth.
  • Brush the visible teeth (opposite side) and then repeat on the other side.

A change in diet to a formula specifically catered to dogs prone to dental health issues can also be a great way to clean your dog’s teeth – especially when they are still getting used to daily teeth brushing. Specialised formulas reduce the build-up of plaque and tartar due to the kibble’s texture having a brushing effect on their teeth.


  • Human toothpaste, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide
  • Heavy restraint
  • Brushing aggressively
  • Brushing if the procedure may cause pain (e.g., recent thorough oral examination, exposed pulp cavities, gingivitis, ulcerations, tooth mobility)
  • Natural bones, cow hooves, hard nylon toys as they may fracture teeth


Why my Cat get Itching?

Cats are clean pets; they always keep their body clean with minimum or no care from cat’s parent. Even with their clean behavior cats in few situations face skin infection which cause them severe itching and induce skin scratching. In this article Dr. Gnanesh, Consultant Veterinarian in Treat Unusual Veterinary Hospital, Chikkamagaluru is highlighting the major causes for skin infection in the cats.

Cat scratching its skin is an indication of itching sentation created at its skin, which could be due to any of these reasons

The most common causes for scratching are.

  1. Parasites
  2. Infections
  3. Allergy


  • Parasites include ticks, mites, lice, flies and fleas these are often the first possible causes for scratching.

Signs of ectoparasites in cats

Few common ectoparasites causing skin issues in cats are Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Lice.

Here are the signs to look out for:

  • Itching-Your cat may seem agitated
  • Red patches of skin; these may appear like pin-pricks
  • “Scurf” or flakes in the hair
  • Scabbing of the skin
  • Pustules; this is when scabs become infected
  • Depression in your cat if he is very severely affected
  • Alopecia; hair loss

How to Care

Approach your vet as early as you identify the condition, Vet will go through a set of physical, microscopical or other necessary examination to identify the underlying organism like Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Lice, once the core cause of the skin infection is identified the vet will decide on the treatment protocol to overcome the infection.


  • Skin diseases caused by any microorganism like bacteria and fungus fall into this category
  • The veterinarian will look for causes of skin disease
  • Infection skin diseases mostly will have a severe itching with redness in the skin
  • Infectious causes of pruritis induce clinical signs of hair loss, scaling, odor, greasy seborrhea.


  • If such an infection is suspected, please visit your vet to identify the microorganism involved and Vet will suggest the medicines perticular to the microorganism involved and based on the skin condition.


  • The most common causes of allergic itching are insect bites, food allergy, and an inherited skin allergy called atopy.
  • Cats with year-round allergic itching may have a food allergy or allergies to house dust mites in addition to seasonal allergens.
  • Symptoms of food allergy include.
  • Chronic or recurrent ear infection.
  • Hair loss.
  • Chronic gas or diarrhea.
  • Poor coat quality.


  • Sensitivity to insect bites can be determined based on the cat’s response to insect control.
  • Food allergy is identified based on response to a diet trial. During a diet trial the cat is provided with a diet that does not include the foods it has normally consumed.
  • During a diet trial the cat is provided with a diet that does not include the foods it has normally consumed. To help your veterinarian isolate the food allergy, you will need to follow the prescribed diet fully and carefully.


Successful treatment depends on identification of the underlying cause. Any skin disease needs a clear understanding of the core cause of the skin issue which cures the cats in a minimum period of time.

However, skin is comparativelyless vascularized organ in body and an extreme patience is needed from Cat’s parents when treating a skin issue., and change of Vets in between treatment will increase the recovery time and may cause unnecessary multiple medication which is not good for cat’s general health.


What should I feed my Dog

When it comes to feeding a dog there is lot of doubt dog parents has. In our Treat Unusual hospitals our Doctors are usually been asked with questions like Doctor what to feed ? when to feed ? how many times to feed ? can I give only veg food ? is rice good for dogs ?  Is home food good for dogs? And many. This Blog answers many of your feeding doubt that you asked or thought of asking to your Vet. Dr. Nisarga, MVSc, Senior Consultant at Treat Unusual Veterinary Hospital, Chikkamagaluruis briefing you on what diet is good for dogs and what to feed dogs at their different stages and what are the food to be avoided to dogs etc.

Important Considerations in Feeding Dogs

  • Dogs are primarily carnivores (meat eaters) but they have ability to eat and digest some omnivorous (meat and plant eaters) foods too
  • The amount of food for your dog is absolutely dependent on the size, breed and age of your dog.A 3-year-old Pug with 12 kg body weight will have an absolutely different diet compared to 3-year-old Labrador with 25kg body weight. Similarly, a 3-year-old pug and 8-year-old pug with almost same body weight will have a different diet.
  • You can feed your dog with a pure kibble diet or you can mix their diet up with some cooked meat, fish, vegetables and rice.
  • Ensure that you should never overfeed or underfeed your dog
  • Always ensure that your dog is well hydrated- adequate water should be provided
  • Your dog food should contain atleast 30% meat and remaining shall be cereal, vegetables, fruit, egg and pulses
  • It is necessary to supplement minerals and vitamins in a regular basis to meet there micro nutrient requirement. Important Macro minerals like Calcium and phosphorus plays an major role in puppy growth, Lactation and skeleton development.
  • Kind and texture of food also decides the oral health of the dog, use of one or two bones a day keeps their gums and teeth health with less chances of tarter

Below 3 months

  • Puppies Generally grows very fast at these stages
  • At this stage it is necessary to feed your puppy 4-5 times daily with the interval of 2 to 3hrs -Puppies have a high nutritional demand and can’t go for long without food.
  • Soon puppies are weaned or separated from mother dog Milk Replacer Diet should be starter, with commercially available one or with home made milk replacer
  • Puppies usually require high protein content content for their muscle and visceral organ growth and minerals especially calcium and phosphorous – commercially available puppy starters feed with mineral suppliment suggested from your veterinarian should be used to ensure proper growth of puppy.
  • Selection of puppy starters depends on the size of the breeds, e.g; for mini/toy/small, medium breed and large breeds.
  • You should not make sudden diet changes at these time as you might inadvertently cause a stomach upset.
  • Introduce the diet in small incremental stages over a few weeks and observe for any illness or allergy.
  • Feeding rice in early puppy hood gives pot belly appearance and other stomach issues– commence feeding rice (as major ingredient) after 3 month
  • You can add cooked meats (avoid beef), boiled eggand vegetables or rice (as minor ingredient) as you wish; however, the main diet needs to be the balanced puppy starters – you can use the one commercially available or homemade based on your Vet/nutritionist recommendation
  • Raw diets are not recommended for very young pups, you can boil the boneless chicken,mutton or fish with little salt and turmeric to a soupy consistency and then can be fed to puppies.
  • Vitamins and calcium supplements are necessary and must at this stage- Take an advise from your Vet and then give the vitamin or mineral supplement based on Vets recommendation.

Above 3months

  • Reduce the milk replacers and eventually stop feeding milk replacer
  • Vitamins and calcium supplements should be continued with increased quantity.
  • Commercially available food specially for young dogs should be given
  • Introduce some meaty bones gradually. For young dogs, one large bone a week is generally enough to keep the teeth healthy
  • Vegetables like carrot,beans,pumpkin,sweet potato and vegetable leaves should be boiled and fed
  • Chicken and fish may be fed but bones should be removed
  • When you’re introducing a new food to young dog, keep an eye on all kind of signs illness/distress/itching/redness.
  • As your young dog gets older, you can gradually reduce the number of feeds to twice per day.

Adult dogs

  • Small or medium breed dogs are generally called to be ’adults’ from 12 months of age, whereas larger breed dogs can take little longer time to become adults until 18–24 months.
  • Adult dogs should be fed either once or twice a day (preferably morning and evening with 12hrs interval). Use a high-quality commercial dog food which specifically designed for adults. If you want to feed home-made food, please seek and advice from vet and prepare food accordingly
  • Ensure that your diet should be complete and balanced. You can add meat (cooked), and vegetables or fish for variety without bones.
  • Many dogs lack enough fibre in their diet, and the addition of cooked pumpkin or grated carrot can improve their bowel health.
  • Choose large, raw, meaty bones to maintain normal teeth. Most importantly, don’t over feed.
  • Supplements like calcium and phosphorus and other minerals are not necessary at this stage, if your dog is suffering from any health issues then you have to provide required ones with consultation of your vet.

Senior dogs

  • When your dog attaining 8years of age then it will be called as senior dog or aged dog
  • It is better to offer the food for once a day as they don’t consume more energy
  • For some senior dogs, frequent smaller meals will keep them happy and satisfied.
  • Commercially foods specifically for senior dogs are available
  • Some senior dogs may need more fibre, protein or other nutrient, visit your vet every 6 month once if your have a senior dog, feed them based on their advice.
  • After 8years of age, generally dogs will be having liver, heart and kidney issues. It is better to use commercial foods which are specifically designed for liver,heart and kidney issues

Foods which are harmful to your dog and you must avoid giving them

  • Chocolate and cakes
  • Ice Cream
  • Onions and garlic
  • Citrus-such as grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange
  • Milk and other dairy products (many dogs and verity of breeds show lactate intolerance)
  • Raw yeast dough
  • Fatty foods
  • Poori,Chapathi, Bread, Bun, Biscuits (wheat in many dogs show skin issues)
  • Salty foods (food with little salt is fine)
  • Sugary foods and drinks, candy and Gum
  • Coffee and tea
  • Raw meat, Fish and Eggs
  • Tomato, Avocado and Apple
  • Alcohol
  • Human medicines

As early said every dog is different and every home has a different food habits, just check whether your dog is getting the right food for its age, breed and size. Share what you are feeding with our Vets and Animal Nutritionist and get a customized healthy diet for your pets. Call or WhatsApp us on 6363064184 (kerala)/9483169164 (Karnataka) to book online appointment and connect to our Doctors.