When to Vaccinate my Cat

Adding a new kitten in your family is lot of excitement and fun, but it is also a big responsibility. Here are some important things you need to know about your cat health.

Cat vaccination – Importance of vaccination in cats:

Its important to do your cat vaccination to prevent the viral infections like feline pan leukopenia, Feline rhinotracheitis, calci virus and rabies. All these viral infections can be fatal to young kittens, so it is essential you take your kittens to veterinary hospital and schedule the vaccinations. Your veterinary doctor will be assessing the kitten’s health and he/she will do Proper deworming and tick control measures before doing vaccination.

When to vaccinate my cat:

The first vaccination will be taken after the weaning age as the kittens will get antibodies from their mother’s milk during first 60 days.

First vaccination,a dose of multicomponent vaccine for calci virus, Feline pan leukopenia and Feline rhinotracheitis should be done at 60 days of old. On 90 th day a booster dose of multicomponent vaccine and Rabies vaccination should be done. The rabies vaccine booster need to be takenone month after 1st rabies shot. The number of vaccinations depends on the area where you are living and the above discussed vaccinations are the core important vaccinations of cats.After initial booster vaccinations it is advised to take the yearly vaccination for your cats.

Even we know we forget many a times that Prevention is better than cure, especially to the viral diseases where there is no treatment, vaccination is the only way of keeping them helathy.