Many Aviaries and Exotic farms are present across the globe for different purpose, like a hobby at backyard to large farms for recreational purpose. These farms need complete monitoring of health, nutrition, welfare, behaviour and management in a regular basis, as there is a constant interaction of verity of species and more often new species are introduced from different countries. Failure to monitor the individual species in keenly has sometimes has lead to disease outbreak. As there are many verity of species and each species has health issues, nutritional specifications and special management care. A team with specialized veterinarian and enrichment experts’ screening is must to keep these animals and birds healthy, safe and happy.

Dr. Aswathy and Dr. Sathya Sooryan are consulting many Large Aviaries and Exotic farms across India in a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis, based on the farm size, species mix and specific needs. Dr. Aswathy fellow of Murray Fowlers scholarship form American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Missouri, USA, for her work in wildlife animals has vast experience in health management of special avian and exotic species. Dr. Sathya Sooryan, Masters in Animal Nutrition suggests specific nutritional management for better health of these special birds and animals in farm. To know the available dates for primary visit or an online consultation call to 6363064184 and enquire. Please note these service is provided only with prior appointment or booking.