Dog Vaccination Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide

As a responsible pet parent, keeping your furry friend up-to-date with vaccinations is crucial for their
health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential vaccinations your dog needs, when to
administer them, and why they matter.

Why Vaccinate Your Dog?

Vaccinations play a vital role in safeguarding your dog’s health. Here’s why they are essential:

1. Disease Prevention: Vaccines protect dogs from serious and potentially fatal diseases.

2. Public Health: Vaccinated dogs help reduce disease transmission to humans.

3. Responsible Pet Ownership: Ensuring your dog is vaccinated is part of being a responsible
pet parent.

Core Vaccines for Dogs

These core vaccines are crucial for every dog’s well-being:

1. Rabies Vaccine

• What It Protects Against: Rabies, a deadly disease that affects both dogs and humans.
• Frequency: Initial vaccination followed by booster shots every one to three years, as per
state law.

2. Parvovirus Vaccine

• What It Protects Against: Parvovirus, which can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and even
• Vulnerable Age: Puppies are especially susceptible.
• Booster Schedule: Administer booster shots every one to two years.

3. Distemper Vaccine

• What It Protects Against: Distemper, a highly contagious disease affecting the respiratory,
gastrointestinal, and nervous systems.
• Importance: Essential for all dogs.
• Booster Frequency: Regular booster shots are recommended.

4. Adenovirus (Hepatitis) Vaccine

• What It Protects Against: Adenovirus, which causes liver disease in dogs.
• Combined with Distemper Vaccine: Often given together as a combination vaccine.
• Booster Schedule: Follow the recommended booster intervals.

5. Parainfluenza Vaccine

• What It Protects Against: Parainfluenza, a respiratory virus.
• Commonly Combined: Often administered alongside other core vaccines.
• Booster Timing: Regular boosters are essential.

6. Rabies Vaccine (Again)

• Frequency: Repeat rabies vaccination every one to three years


Optional Vaccines

While core vaccines are essential, consider these optional vaccines based on your dog’s lifestyle and
risk factors:

• Canine Influenza Vaccine
• Leptospirosis Vaccine
• Bordetella (Kennel Cough) Vaccine
• Lyme Disease Vaccine
• Coronavirus Vaccine

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

Follow this basic timeline for your puppy’s vaccinations:

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Remember, consult your veterinarian to tailor the vaccination schedule to your dog’s specific needs.
Regular booster shots are essential to maintain immunity and protect your beloved pet.


Unleash the Perfect Match: Your Personality vs Dog Breed – Vet’s Advice

Deciding on a new furry friend is exciting, but choosing the perfect pooch can be overwhelming with so many breeds out there. Dogs have unique personalities and needs, so reflect on your lifestyle before making a hasty decision. Active person? Consider high-energy breeds like Border Collies. More of a homebody? A laid-back Bulldog may be more your speed. Find a dog breed that complements your personality and lifestyle like a partner who shares your values and interests, just with more fur and tail-wagging. Do your research, and remember, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” dog breed. Every pup is unique and special in their own way, just like you!

Here is some more information about each breed and why they are suitable for their respective personality and purpose categories:
1. Active and Outgoing:
• Labrador Retriever: Labs are known for their energy and love for play, making them a great choice for people who enjoy an active lifestyle and want a dog that can keep up.
• German Shepherd: German Shepherds are highly intelligent, loyal, and energetic. They are often used as working dogs and are also great for families that want a dog that can provide protection.
• Boxer: Boxers are playful and active dogs that love to run and play. They are also known for their loyalty and are great for families that want a dog that can be both a protector and a companion.
2. Affectionate and Easy-Going:
• Pug: Pugs are small and affectionate dogs that love to snuggle. They are low-maintenance and require minimal exercise, making them a great choice for people who want a lap dog.
• Golden Retriever: Goldens are friendly, patient, and gentle dogs that are great with children. They are known for their loyalty and are often used as therapy dogs.
• Indian Spitz: Indian Spitz are friendly and easy-going dogs that are great with children. They are also highly adaptable and can adjust well to different living situations.
3. Loyal and Protective:
• Indian Pariah Dog: Indian Pariah Dogs are intelligent, loyal, and protective. They are often used as guard dogs and are also great for families that want a dog that can be both a protector and a companion.
• German Shepherd: German Shepherds are highly intelligent and loyal dogs that are often used as working dogs and guard dogs.
• Rottweiler: Rottweilers are strong and powerful dogs that are highly protective of their families. With proper training and socialization, they can be loyal and obedient companions.
4. Playful and Adventurous:
• Dachshund: Dachshunds are small dogs with big personalities. They are curious and playful, and love to explore their surroundings. They are also great for families with children.
• Beagle: Beagles are friendly and sociable dogs that love to play. They have a strong sense of smell and are often used as hunting dogs.
• Boxer: Boxers are playful and active dogs that love to run and play. They are also known for their curiosity and love to explore.


1. Family Pet:
• Labrador Retriever: Labs are great family pets due to their friendly and patient nature. They are also highly adaptable and can adjust well to different living situations.
• Golden Retriever: Goldens are gentle and patient dogs that are great with children. They are also highly trainable and make great therapy dogs.
• Beagle: Beagles are friendly and sociable dogs that love to play. They are also great with children and make great family pets.
2. Guard Dog:
• Indian Pariah Dog: Indian Pariah Dogs are highly intelligent and protective. They are often used as guard dogs due to their loyalty and territorial nature.
• German Shepherd: German Shepherds are highly intelligent and protective dogs that are often used as working dogs and guard dogs.
• Rottweiler: Rottweilers are strong and powerful dogs that are highly protective of their families. With proper training and socialization, they can be loyal and obedient guard dogs.
3. Companion for First-Time Owners:
• Pug: Pugs are low-maintenance dogs that require minimal exercise. They are also friendly and affectionate, making them great companions for first-time dog owners.
• Indian Spitz: Indian Spitz are friendly and easy-going dogs that are highly adaptable. They are also easy to train

Pariah – The Indian Prince
In addition to the breeds mentioned above, there are also many Indian dog breeds that are often overlooked but make great companions. These breeds are often referred to as “Indian Pariah Dogs” and are native to India. They are a non-discriminate breed that can come in a variety of sizes and colors.
Indian Pariah Dogs are highly intelligent, loyal, and protective of their families. They are also highly adaptable and can adjust well to different living situations. In addition, they are generally healthier than purebred dogs and have a longer lifespan.
Despite their many positive qualities, Indian Pariah Dogs often struggle to find loving homes. Many people prefer purebred dogs or do not realize the potential of these wonderful dogs. If you are considering adding a dog to your family, we encourage you to consider adopting an Indian Pariah Dog. Not only will you be giving a loving home to a deserving dog, but you will also be supporting a great cause by promoting the adoption of these amazing animals.

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How to Celebrate Pet Friendly and Safe Diwali

Diwali, the festival of lights is a joyous day for everyone. With sweets, lights and games, it is an exciting day to spend with your loved ones. But during this festival, a member of your family needs extra care and safety.
Yes, we are talking about your pets! Even a joyful event like Diwali could turn harmful to dogs and cats if the right precautions are not taken.
Diwali disasters affect pets, the homeless and families ones alike. Animals have a level of hearing and crackers sound might upset your furry family members. Here is how you can ensure a safe and happy Diwali for your pets.
Why celebrate a Pet-friendly Diwali
What would a celebration be if our best buddies did not enjoy it?
Pets are extremely sensitive to loud noises and flashing lights. Some pets even end up with health issues and mental distress because of the commotion caused by a celebration that has fireworks and other pet-toxic substances.
And the pollution and mess caused by bursting fireworks are not just harmful to the environment but at times are ingested by innocent strays, leading to death.
In Diwali, pets run to comfortable hiding places because they think of cracker noises as danger and want to run to safety.
The sound of firecrackers is not natural sound and it causes immense stress to the pet animals. It is reported that many sensitive animals even die of such stress. Therefore, you should feed your pets before Diwali celebration and try to keep them indoors. Further, the pet owners should not tie their dogs in gardens and keep a watch on them, as animals in a state of panic tend to run away.
Pet-friendly crackers
The best solution to keep your pets safe as well as to celebrate Diwali in the traditional way is using pet friendly crackers. You can use no-noise crackers to ensure the safety of your pet.
You should make your pet sit at a safe distance in order to avoid any accident. Furthermore, the market has a variety of dog accessories like ear muffs to cut out on the noise.
Try to burst crackers on the terrace
It is not possible to put a stop to the cracker bursting, as festivals have a tremendous emotive value for people but the least you can do is to be a little compassionate. Therefore, instead of bursting crackers on the road where strays or pets can and do get injured, cracker bursting can be done on the terrace.
Some tips:
• You should ensure that you are always around your pet.
• You should make sure that your pet is not hungry or thirsty.
• Try to use dog accessories like ear muffs etc.
• You can use crackers like phuljhadi and chakri around your pet so as to reduce noise level.

Go Green
Try going green this Diwali by not bursting crackers and instead lighting earthen lamps. This will not only save your money but also save the community from the harmful effects of noise and air pollution.

Keep your dog away from the sweets
With your home filled with sweets, your pet is probably running towards you asking for a treat. But do not feed your dog any sweets, as Indians sweets generally have ingredients that can cause allergies to dogs and , in some cases, can even be toxic to your pet.

First aid kits for pets
Have an emergency kit at hand, with all the needed essentials for your pet. So, in case of an unforeseen situation you have the tools to give your pet immediate care and assistance.
Play with your pet
Include your pet in festivities. With family gathered at home, the most excited member will probably be your dog. Try to play with your pet as they will be thrilled to have a play time with you.

When to Vaccinate my Cat

Adding a new kitten in your family is lot of excitement and fun, but it is also a big responsibility. Here are some important things you need to know about your cat health.

Cat vaccination – Importance of vaccination in cats:

Its important to do your cat vaccination to prevent the viral infections like feline pan leukopenia, Feline rhinotracheitis, calci virus and rabies. All these viral infections can be fatal to young kittens, so it is essential you take your kittens to veterinary hospital and schedule the vaccinations. Your veterinary doctor will be assessing the kitten’s health and he/she will do Proper deworming and tick control measures before doing vaccination.

When to vaccinate my cat:

The first vaccination will be taken after the weaning age as the kittens will get antibodies from their mother’s milk during first 60 days.

First vaccination,a dose of multicomponent vaccine for calci virus, Feline pan leukopenia and Feline rhinotracheitis should be done at 60 days of old. On 90 th day a booster dose of multicomponent vaccine and Rabies vaccination should be done. The rabies vaccine booster need to be takenone month after 1st rabies shot. The number of vaccinations depends on the area where you are living and the above discussed vaccinations are the core important vaccinations of cats.After initial booster vaccinations it is advised to take the yearly vaccination for your cats.

Even we know we forget many a times that Prevention is better than cure, especially to the viral diseases where there is no treatment, vaccination is the only way of keeping them helathy.

How to Look After New Born Puppy till First 90 Days (10 Tips)       

If you have a puppy at your home or if you’re planning to adopt a puppy recently then you might have few doubts like, how to look after these puppy, what to feed, when to vaccinate, how to keep them safe in home, etc. Even if you think you know are you doing it correctly? Here is the full information regarding Puppy Care and Management below 90days.

  1. Separation of Puppies from Mother

First most important thing is to know when is the right age to separate the puppy, as puppies will be feeding the mother’s colostrum and the colostrum fed to puppies in these initial days plays a major role in the health and immunity throughout the life. As Colostrum is super rich in all nutrients and immunoglobulins which is very crucial for puppy’s growth, especially in the first 90 days of their life as in this age puppies grow very rapidly. Similarly, the immunoglobulins transferred via colostrum gives innate immunity and protects the puppy from many common diseases throughout its life. It is advised to separate/ wean the puppy only after 35 days in case of large breeds it varies from 40 to 45 days.

  1. General Check Up

Most of the case when a pet parents adopt a puppy they have very poor history of the puppies mother, father and about the initial days of puppy. In few cases the puppies may have some developmental anomaly which is unnoticed by most of the pet parents, so it is always better to go to a Vet for a general check-up.

  1. Deworming:

There are lot of parasite which resides in puppies’ gastrointestinal tract which is of a serious concern as these parasites will drain the nutrients from puppies and won’t allow puppies to grow and few parasites cause anaemic condition in puppies. In Usual scenario the puppies should be dewormed starting on 15th day till 90th day with an interval of 15 days from one dose to another.

  1. Tick and Fleas:

These external parasites are one of the major cause of transmissible diseases and in puppies due to underdeveloped immunity have more chances of picking fever. Regular checking and care is needed to avoid ticks and fleas there are many anti tick powder available in market you can take advice from your vet and use one of them as advised.

Note/Caution: Please don’t use any anti-tick medication without an advice of Vet as most of the anti-tick powder or medication or extremely dangerous if wrong one is used or used in an inappropriate way

  1. Vaccination:

There are many common diseases which is very dangerous and life threatening to dogs. Immunising the dog is the best way of preventing puppies from thesedisease, as we humans do for TB, Corona, Typhoid, etc. It is advised to vaccinate the puppy on 45th day with a multicomponent vaccine and then take a booster on 60th day and another booster dose on 90th day with rabiesvaccine. The booster dose of rabies should be taken after 1 month of 1st rabies vaccine (120th day). Please Note that the Vaccination day and the type of vaccination is completely dependent on the Veterinarian based on his or her analysis that what kind of vaccine will be preferred at that particular geographical region and what day the first vaccination and what day the booster to be given, hence the schedule and vaccination type is completely depends on Vets Practice and that advice will always will be the best for your geographical area as many diseases or more prevalent in perticular regions.

  1. Hygienic care:

Until 2nd vaccination it is advised not to allow your puppy to veranda or near to slippers and in parking area where there is a contact with objects like car, bike, slippers or any items which is in contact of outside environment as these days before 2nd vaccination the puppy is less immune against many disease and there is a high chances of puppy picking any infection and getting diseases.

  1. Feeding Puppies:

Puppies grow very rapidly till 1 year, and nutrients reaching them through feed is very crucial in building a healthy body. The food given to puppy should be nutritionallywell balanced with sufficient protein, energy, minerals and vitamins. Food should be given 4-5times a day and water should be made assessable 24X7.

Milk replaceris an important diet that must be fed to puppies soon after the separation of them from its mother. Soak milk replacer in Luke warm water to make it a liquidy-pasty consistency and feed them 4-5 times a day.

Puppy starter feed:After 70-75 days, gradually introducethe puppy starter, soak it in Luke warm water to a pasty consistency and then feed.

Please note that dogs are Carnivorus and they must eat natural animal protein from these natural protein source like chicken, egg, mutton, etc. It is always recommended to give the meat without bones and with little salt and turmeric, fully boiledand made to soupy consistency. If you are a Vegetarian, id you cant cook non-veg, then you can prefer commercial available food.

Please note puppies should never be given Beef and small bones for eating

  1. Minerals and Vitamins:

As puppies grow very rapidly in these age and their skeletal system is also growing very rapidly, all Minerals and vitamins plays a major role in growth and especially calcium supplement if not met the puppies requirement the puppies grow with deformed legs and skeletal systems.  Commercially there are many Calcium, Multivitamin and Multi-mineral syrup, please take a advice from your vet on the quantity to be used to your dog, as it depends on its body size and growth.

Avoid these Food to Puppies (They are harmful): Onion, Garlic, Dark Chocolate, Orange, Lemon, Grape, Avacado, Raisins, Cherries, Peaches.

  1. Behaviour Care:

Bitting cloths, slippers and mats are common behaviour of puppies when their teeth is growing and later it becomes a habit. To make this behaviour safe to puppies and to avoid the loss of valued items many soft toys are available any of them can be used.

As puppies tend to chew there are many chances of swallowing small items usually find in home like bottle cap, pen cap, eraser etc. to avoid these please keep your home Puppy proof with no items in floor or sofa, which puppy can swallow

  1. Love and Care:

More than all the things said in this blog, your love and care is the one which keeps them happy and safe, considering them as one of our family member and caring them is the most beautiful thing you could do and feel.